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    Use the UPS to convert the 3-phase hydro generator to single

    时间:2020-07-13   访问量:2785
    Generally, single phas generator's max power not beyond 5.5kW,but if we have a more than 5.5kW hydro turbine, we have to installed 3-phase generator.How can we
    use single phase electric from this three phase genrator? One way is, we can connect A,B,C of the 3-phase to each single phase load, but if our load is more than 5.5kW,
    how could we do? So, there is another way t fulfill, that is we can find a 10kVA(7.5kW) UPS, this UPS should be 3 phase input and single phase output, so that we can
    use it to convert the 3-phase to single phase output.Look at below diagram, you make it clear by our idea:
    Jiangsu Jianghao Generator Co.,LTDICP证 | 苏ICP备11008047号 sitemap